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Be Prepared for Illinois Extreme Weather

Check out these tips to keep you and your home safe during extreme weather in North-Eastern Illinois. Stay prepared and secure with these essential guidelines.
Take a look at these helpful tips to keep you and your home safe and secure during extreme weather conditions we can experience in North-Eastern Illinois.

Take a look at these helpful tips to keep you and your home safe and secure during extreme weather conditions we can experience in North-Eastern Illinois.

Severe Storms.

Prepare Plumbing for Illinois Extreme Weather
National Weather Service - What to do after a Severe Storm.
Protect Your Home from Severe Winds.

Helpful Tips Before a Storm.

  1. Move Items Inside – Lawn Furniture and Unsecured Items can be dangerous when picked up from the storm’s wind and cause additional damage. 
  2. Make room in the garage for Cars and other items for Protection. 
  3. Close interior doors to reduce wind and debris damage if windows should shatter & break.
  4. Check Your Sump Pump System. Is it powered on and is the pit free of debris?
  5. Close the draperies and window shades completely. The combination of Wind & Hail can break glass. This will keep glass from spreading throughout the room.

Hail Storms.

What to do if in a Hail Storm.

  1. Seek Shelter: if you are outside, protect yourself from falling hail 
  2. Find shelter and remain inside and away from windows
  3. Do not use Telephones or Electrical Outlets during a severe Hail storm where lightning is present you may be at risk of electrocution. 
  4. If Driving – pull over to a safe place away from the roadway and stop driving. Close your sunroof shade and position yourself away from the sunroof to avoid shattered glass.
Hail Damage FAQ's
Prepare Plumbing for Illinois Extreme Weather
Additional Resources.

Extreme Winter Storms

Prepare Before a Storm.

  1. Fully charge cell phones, electrical appliances,  and flashlights.
  2. Set your furnace to 62 degrees or higher and set the refrigerator to the coldest setting. 
  3. Find your Main Water Shutoff and know how to close the valve in case of a water pipe freeze or breakage. 
  4. Fill cars with fuel & extra generator fuel if needed.
  5. Shovel your home ventilation system clear & laundry vent. 
Don't Let a Winter Storm take you by Surprise.

Freezing Dangerous Temperatures

HT Strenger Services
Prevent Water Pipes from freezing and how to thaw them.

Before Cold Weather sets in.

  1. Set your home furnace/ thermostat to at least 62 degrees for daytime and night. 
  2. Shut Off all outdoor water sources and disconnect hoses.
  3. Insulate Outdoor Spigots.
  4. Find your Main Water Shutoff and know how to operate the valve in case of a water pipe freeze or breakage. 
  5.  Insulate exposed pipes with Blankets or Pipe Insulation in unheated places like attics , garages, and plumbing fixtures that have piping on  outside facing walls
  6. Run your faucets at a trickle until the weather warms up. 


Tornado Aftermath.

  1. Check on family and neighbors who may need assistance.
  2. Reconnect with family members who are probably concerned.
  3. Inspect gas, electrical and water lines Be careful for damage.
  4. Document property damage with photos and videos. Receipts for repairs made to prevent further damage. 
  5. Do Not Touch power lines,  always assume downed power lines are live.
FEMA MAP - National Risk

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