Take a look at these helpful tips to keep you and your home safe and secure during extreme weather conditions we can experience in North-Eastern Illinois.
Severe Storms.
Helpful Tips Before a Storm.
- Move Items Inside – Lawn Furniture and Unsecured Items can be dangerous when picked up from the storm’s wind and cause additional damage.
- Make room in the garage for Cars and other items for Protection.
- Close interior doors to reduce wind and debris damage if windows should shatter & break.
- Check Your Sump Pump System. Is it powered on and is the pit free of debris?
- Close the draperies and window shades completely. The combination of Wind & Hail can break glass. This will keep glass from spreading throughout the room.
Hail Storms.
What to do if in a Hail Storm.
- Seek Shelter: if you are outside, protect yourself from falling hail
- Find shelter and remain inside and away from windows
- Do not use Telephones or Electrical Outlets during a severe Hail storm where lightning is present you may be at risk of electrocution.
- If Driving – pull over to a safe place away from the roadway and stop driving. Close your sunroof shade and position yourself away from the sunroof to avoid shattered glass.
Extreme Winter Storms
Prepare Before a Storm.
- Fully charge cell phones, electrical appliances, and flashlights.
- Set your furnace to 62 degrees or higher and set the refrigerator to the coldest setting.
- Find your Main Water Shutoff and know how to close the valve in case of a water pipe freeze or breakage.
- Fill cars with fuel & extra generator fuel if needed.
- Shovel your home ventilation system clear & laundry vent.
Freezing Dangerous Temperatures
Before Cold Weather sets in.
- Set your home furnace/ thermostat to at least 62 degrees for daytime and night.
- Shut Off all outdoor water sources and disconnect hoses.
- Insulate Outdoor Spigots.
- Find your Main Water Shutoff and know how to operate the valve in case of a water pipe freeze or breakage.
- Insulate exposed pipes with Blankets or Pipe Insulation in unheated places like attics , garages, and plumbing fixtures that have piping on outside facing walls
- Run your faucets at a trickle until the weather warms up.
Tornado Aftermath.
- Check on family and neighbors who may need assistance.
- Reconnect with family members who are probably concerned.
- Inspect gas, electrical and water lines Be careful for damage.
- Document property damage with photos and videos. Receipts for repairs made to prevent further damage.
- Do Not Touch power lines, always assume downed power lines are live.