Servicing Northern Chicagoland & Surrounding Areas since 1911.


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Choose an Expert Flood Control Plumber and keep water out of your home with modern flood control products & systems.

Prevent Household Flooding - Choose an Expert Flood Control Plumber
Stop Flooding before it Starts.

Contact HT Strenger for the solutions to your flooding problems.

Look for these warning signs to prevent flooding.

  • Pooling Water in your yard and/or surrounding the foundation. 
  • Sponge-like soil around your foundation 24/48 hours after rainfall.
  • Broken or inadequate roof guttering system and/or clogged downspouts and/or extensions.
  • Neglected sump pump system – older unreliable pump.
  • Neglected battery backup sump pump system. 
  • Musty or Toxic basement odors – High humidity in the basement.
  • Blocked or Clogged window well drains.
  • Basement foundation cracks.  – Inside or Outside.
  • Broken or missing window well covers.

Let us recommend Yard & Property drainage solutions. 

Water that accumulates around your home and seeps through the weak areas in your foundation, can become an outright expensive disaster if not detected until it is too late. 

Over time it is not uncommon for drainage plans that worked in the past now are ineffective at moving water around and away from your home foundation. Many factors can add to an increase in water retention in your yard and around your foundation. 

In mature neighborhoods, it is common for rainwater to accumulate and pool in low spots.  Neighboring homeowners make enhancements and unsettle the balance of water run-off and drainage.  Property enhancements like  (room additions, gardens, fencing, sheds, discharge lines, driveways, new guttering, and additional hardscape projects. etc.).  All of these can contribute to a flooding problem on your property.

We have licensed and highly trained plumbing technicians who can solve flooding problems like this at best-in-class pricing and value. 

Install and Update Battery Back-Up Sump Pump Systems.

A quality Sewage – Sump pump is a must and your best #1 protection against flooding. A battery backup system should also be part of any Sewage pit solution. 


Battery backup systems are your last defense against the eventual main pump failure or extended power outage.

HT Strenger technicians can repair all makes and models of Sump pumps and battery backup systems. We repair and install all common pump sizes, for most every residential and commercial application. We carry a complete line of pumps, pump batteries, and backup systems from industry leaders like.

  • ION
  • Zoeller
  • Wayne
  • Basement Watchdog
  • Little Giant
  • Flo-Tec
  • Pro-Flo
  • Blue Angel
  • PHCC Pro Series

Contact us to Prevent Flooding in your basement from heavy constant rains, a faulty sump pump system, or sewage back-up.


City Sanitary Sewer Back-Up Prevention. Back Up Valves.

During heavy rainfall, most stormwater enters the sanitary system as inflow and infiltration. The sanitary system can get overloaded and cause basement backups in dwellings and businesses nearest to the overload. 

Sanitary sewer backup is a stressful and costly problem. Installation of a backflow prevention device can give homeowners immediate protection and peace of mind from a sanitary sewer backup.

Contact HT Strenger to get solutions for your Flood Control Problems.